Relaxing Monday

by - 22:18:00

I'm one of those people who can never welcome Mondays with open arms. I love the weekend too much that I start counting down to Fridays every Monday! I know I'm horrible. Although today was an exception as it was a public holiday (Salam Isra' Miraj to all Muslims!) and we had a family day out.

My mom just came up with a spontaneous idea to go watch the sunrise at the beach and just having a family day out. I was excited for this one as I have had failed attempts on catching the sunrise due to my love of sleep. So once we decided to go for it, we went to get preparations for the morning and I even invited my cousin and her family to come join us! It would have been nice if everyone from my family could come but since it was last minute, we couldn't invite everybody.

So morning came and everyone woke up late; we missed the sunrise. I was so upset but I kinda knew that we couldn't get everyone ready in time to catch the sunrise anyway cause who are we kidding? We love sleep! So I waited for everybody to be ready and headed to the beach at once. I was surprised to see that the beach we went to was full with people, and even more surprised that people can wake up that early to go exercise as most of them came with their bikes and sports attire. But I was also so so proud of their determination to wake up early to workout. Hats off to you guys!

Anyhow, seeing how it was packed and we didn't get the chance to secure a spot to put our stuff (and food) we decided to just play around for a bit and go to another beach. Hence we went to another beach near by just to relax and eat our food. We packed some light food and even bought milo kotak! Milo is bae. Milo is everything. So it'll be ashamed to not eat them after all the trouble. The beach wasn't as packed as the first one though but one thing I couldn't bear was the heat as it was really really hot but then again despite the heat, I still went down from our hut to the beach to take photos of the sea. What's the point of going to the beach and not take photos of the sea right?

Although we didn't do much except ride our bikes, eat, take photos and just talk to each other but I felt really relaxed. After such a hectic week, this was much needed. Spending time with the people I love especially my family is a good way to re-energize. They should make Mondays a public holiday so I'd look forward to a new week all the time.

Hope you guys enjoyed your long weekend like I did! Here's me trying my best to post more in the future. Let's see how this goes (I say this all the time, I know, don't judge me). Enjoy some photos that I bothered to save from today. Hehe.

Pictures are mine and my sister's

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