Sleeping Koalas & Losing my Voice

by - 12:17:00


Let me bring you through my day, describing the horror of each ride the best I can.

The Claw
This monster turns you in a circle 360 degrees, while flinging you up in the air bit by bit and before you know it, you're looking down from the sky about to be swung back down again while getting swiveled left and right. My stomach didn't get butterflies. They got eagles trying to claw their way out.

First few seconds go "Alright, this is fun" until they turn you upside down and around and around....and around. It was good fun though, you know if you disregard my growing sore throat.

Giant Drop
The view from the top of the tower was fantastic! It was breathtaking.. if you exclude the fact that they were going to drop us without any notice. Everyone grew quiet at the top of the tower in fear of the moment they drop us, everyone but me. I kept gushing about the view until our carriage was dropped and all I could hear was my painful scream. After a few seconds, it came to a sharp stop and continued its descend slowly. I was laughing hysterically at the end of it.

Tower of Terror II
At the side of the exact same Giant Drop tower, is another horrifying ride. Sit on a carriage and expect it to pull you forward going up the tower. But it doesn't. The entire carriage pulls you backwards at maximum speed, the only thing keeping you in place is the safety on your belly and shoulders pinning you down. you end up at the top of the tower, the carriage completely vertical while you stare down to your doom before they launch you back down. That was a few seconds of pure terror and sore throat.

Another extreme ride was the Buzzsaw. This one going round twice, pulling us forward at maximum speed, up the rails, launching us and turning us upside down, round and round, and did I mention maximum speed? They also had fun holding us upside down at the very top for a few seconds while I scream in terror "LET ME DOWN!!!! please"

I met new friends too. A man who looked like he has been sitting on that bench for quite a while and.... a prisoner who tried to convince us to let him go.

This was also one of our main missions. Hunt Bananas in Pyjamas down and take a picture. I was the only one above 10 years old in the line.
I was a HUGE fan. Your comments are irrelevant.

Lunch with Po's dad was also pretty entertaining.

Such cute animals! There was a mini zoo place in the theme park that I never bothered to visit until this year. Proved worthwhile!

 ....because this butt doe. THAT BUTT. 
Sorry, I couldn't resist. I just couldn't.

This was taken at the entrance of the theme park at sunset. Sunset at 5pm. Simply beautiful!

Here is the continuation of my holiday's blog post. I do apologize for the veryyyyy late post but the rest of my holiday was spent away from the internet (except WhatsApp) and social media. I needed to refresh but now I'm back! I hope you all enjoyed this post!

Liyana Sidek

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