Salam Ramadhan

It's that time of the year again! How blessed we all are to see Ramadhan for another year.

To me, this year felt like it just started. I still remember New Years Day where I celebrated with a nap on the living room couch. Among all the other years, this year takes the cake for the most laid back New Years celebration ever. But compared to any other year as well, even though only half way through, this year has got to be my happiest one yet. 

Now, everyone knows being happy comes with it's challenges. The challenges I have faced this year were tough. It made me burst into tears more times than I would like to admit and it made me question my purpose in life a whole lot. However, I overcame them anyway. It was not easy but I did. These challenges led to my achievement in so many things. These achievements will be forever stored and framed in my heart and mind. 

The people I've met and spent my time with this year play a huge role in my success and happiness, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Without their love and support, pushing through every obstacle would've been next to impossible. 

There are so many wonderful things to be thankful for this Ramadhan and there is no better way to show how grateful I am than to take this holy month as a stepping stone to not only be a better Muslim, but also a better person.

I hope everyone else has about the same idea in mind and I wish you all a very very blessed Ramadhan. May we all see the end of this beautiful month as better people together!

Selamat Berpuasa to all my Muslim friends and family!


As mentioned above by Liyana, it's that time of the year again! Syukur Alhamdulillah that we are all still alive and well to welcome this holy month of Ramadhan again.

Ramadhan is probably the month that I have been waiting for every single year, the feeling of Ramadhan to me is just indescribable. Every year I always have goals that I need to achieve during Ramadhan, and sadly, I have yet to cross out any one of them in my list *sigh* but not to worry, I am not giving up as I still can try to achieve them this year.

Completing Taraweh for the whole month has always been one of my goals during Ramadhan. Well I know it's impossible for us ladies, but I'm talking about those days where we can actually perform them. I have never surpassed 10 days or 15 days of Taraweh, and I want to change that. I long for the feeling after completing them for the whole month (or the days we can actually perform them) and if that day comes, I will be sure to write it down in my achievements list!

Reciting the Al-Quraan and actually finishing the whole Juz in this holy month is also one of them. This is a bit hard for me to do because I tend to sleep off my hunger than do anything else but again, inshaAllah, I want to change that. I will try to complete one Juz in a day, if I can. Although I know that is not impossible as I see people do it all the time, even during other months.

Third, would probably be... Me, cooking for Iftar. I am one of those ladies who can only cook simple meals, when I say simple, I mean really simple but I have always wanted to try to cook other food as well. I don't spend much time in the kitchen cooking as how I do in baking because I love to bake! Though, I guess it's time to step up and actually know how to cook real (and yummy) food. Since today is the first day of puasa, I shall try to cook something for Iftar later.. (and I'll be going on youtube to find food that I can cook after this).

On a side note, I have to tell myself to do something productive and beneficial this Ramadhan because I tend to get sad whenever I look back on my pervious years during Ramadhan and knowing I did not do anything that's beneficial that can help others, or to improve in myself when we know that this month is all about that. I am ashamed and I am determined to change that.

So I guess to me Ramadhan is the time to improve myself to be better, not just for now but for the hereafter as well. Although I have to put it out there that I am only human, I make mistakes and sometimes I get side tracked but I am trying my best to be the better version of myself than how I was a year a go.

With that I would like to wish every one of my muslims family and friends a very blessed Ramadhan, and I would also like to apologize for any of my wrongdoings, whether intentionally or otherwise. Let's hope this Ramadhan will help us to better ourselves and let's hope it will be better than the last! InshaAllah.


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