Book Review: WE WERE LIARS

Only now am I jumping into this bandwagon! I am quite certain We Were Liars has been the talk of the entire reading community but I have only recently gotten my hands on it, and what I mean by recent is, last month. Hehe.

Maybe you've read other people's thoughts on this book, now let me tell you mine:

My initial reaction:
"What on earth am I reading?"
If it wasn't for the fact that I talked to my friend, Aainaa, about it beforehand, I wouldn't have continued reading. I am quite an impatient reader and I rarely give my books second chances so I'm very glad Aainaa convinced me to stay tuned.

A few chapters in:
I was already developing theories on why things were happening the way it was. Scenarios started being bizarre and I was getting more and more convinced that my crazy theories were right.

Towards the end of the book:
I WAS RIGHT!! I felt like such a genius for figuring out the most part, and if you haven't guessed it by now, I was well and truly engrossed in this book that I forgot my initial feelings towards it.

Final Verdict:
3/5 stars from me. The mystery in it completely pulled me in but I wouldn't necessarily re-read it again simply and only because it took quite a depressing turn for me and I'm not one to re-read a book like that again. However, I'm glad I gave it a chance and I think everyone should give it a read! From the title alone, it might seem like a Sophie Kinsella kind of novel but it definitely isn't. There were some dark parts, at least I thought so. It wasn't a super light read for me.

I'm not going to summarise the entire book for everyone because I don't want to give out too much details. You have to read it for yourself! But here's what you probably would want to know before reading the book:

The story revolves around a big and rich upper-middle class (or maybe even upper class) family, the Sinclairs. All is well and perfect, at least on the outside. Things took a turn for the worst after a horrific incident, especially for one particular member of the family, young Cadence Sinclair. Follow the story and mystery of the Sinclair family in this book!

Happy Reading, everyone!

Photo credit goes to Sabrina


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