I believe this is my very first book review on this blog? (WHY? I have no idea)
For about a month, this book sat on my bed-side table, the bookmark clearly indicating the painfully slow reading process. And believe me, it killed me just looking at it. Things have gotten so hectic that the moment I hit the sack, my limbs, brain and everything else just goes into snooze mode. However, yesterday (when I was supposed to be writing my speech btw), I put my foot down (from the sofa) and decided no more slow reading! I finished more than half of this book in one seating.
Everyone was made differently. Both you and I. Melody is different too. Only, her difference proved to bear more weight on not just her daily life, but the people around her too.
You and I, we are lucky. What we think, we can express. What we know, we can show. What we feel, we can say. Melody can't. Her mind is filled with endless words she is aching to say, and a never-ending flow of emotions she wants to express, but she can't. How would you feel if you can't show what you are capable of doing?
Melody cannot speak. She cannot walk. She cannot talk. She cannot move without help. She feels trapped. Melody is not an average eleven year old girl. However, she is special. Special to the hearts of the ones who love her. Why should she be treated differently just because she doesn't seem to appear the same like everybody else?
You and I, we are all different. So is Melody.
Follow her story. You'll appreciate what you have and how different we are all made to be.