Shared pain, shared triumph

First and foremost, a million apologies for being MIA for the past...month? or so? I know I've been using the excuse that I've been busy multiple times now and I promised a blog post last week, or the week before but I still can't blog about it until now. I will though, hopefully by the end of this week.

Today's post will be a little different.

Weeks ago, when I was drafting my inspirational speech (this will be the topic of my next post), I worked alongside my mentor a lot and one of the things that he said that particularly stuck to me was "If we don't share your pain, we don't share your triumph". He tried explaining to me that in order to write an inspirational story, I have to make people feel for me so they can feel how much my victory meant to me in the end. 

I started to ponder on this and it struck that this applies to everything. To every little achievement I get in life, I can't expect everyone in my life to share my win with me. 

How many people can put their arms around you and cry tears of joy with you during your victory?

How many people can genuinely say they're bursting with pride for you with a wide smile plastered on their face?

How many people would take a few minutes to send you a sincere congratulatory message?

My answer: Only a handful. 
And these are the people who know exactly how much pain you carried with you on your journey to victory.

Always remember that your victory may not seem like much to others but as long as it means the world to you and the people who understand, it does matter.


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